Wigsbury Frequently asked questions

Quick answers to the important questions

I would love to study in the United States, but my parents think it’s too expensive. What advice can you give me?

At first glance many of the US universities appear to be expensive, however this impression can be misleading. Firstly, the price quoted on the website very often includes housing -please check carefully as it differs from one university to another. Secondly there is financial aid available as detailed in this module. Thirdly, State universities tend to be cheaper than the private universities. Fourthly, you can study for the first two years of your bachelor’s degree at a community college and then transfer to a local State University for the final two years. This will be substantially cheaper.

Will I be able to work in the United States?

This depends on what type of Visa you on. You need to check on the US government website as the conditions attached to your Visa, you can also contact your university and ask them.


Is it possible to study for free in the United States?

In exceptional circumstances, a university or college may offer you financial aid that covers 100% of your tuition fees and housing costs. This is known as,’ a free ride’. It is, regrettably, very rare.

I would like to study on a joint program where I do two years at a European University and two years in the United States. Will I have to pay us tuition fees for those two years if I’m registered student at a European University?

Good question. The answer varies from University to university. There are some programs where you continue to pay the tuition fee rates of your home-based university. This will normally be cheaper if your home base University is in Europe.

I am an American citizen and I’m looking for a cheaper alternative to studying in the United States, any suggestions?

Assuming you want to study in English there are lots of possibilities open for you.

Not only will you save money, but you will also have a life enriching experience visiting new places, meeting new people, travelling and maybe even learning the language of your host country. This is a great way to make lifelong friends.  I would suggest that you start looking at universities in Europe. European countries mostly differentiate between EU citizens and non-EU citizens.  Even as a non-EU citizen you’ll be able to find some attractive opportunities. I suggest you shop around a little, but just as a starting point two of the biggest providers of English taught courses are the Netherlands (approximately €10,000 a year for tuition) and Germany which is free. There are of course many other opportunities.

If you’re thinking of heading to Asia, checkout universities in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore etc. And then, of course, there is Australia and New Zealand.

If you prefer studying in an English speaking country, then check out the UK it will cost you between 10 and £20,000 a year. But remember in Europe a business degree is only three years, so this will save you money as well.