Studying Liberal Arts & Sciences in Holland

Studying Liberal Arts & Sciences in Holland

Studying Liberal Arts & Sciences in Holland About this interview Kim Zwitserloot gives us a really great overview of the benefits of studying Lideral Arts & Sciences, the benefits of studying in Holland (cycling!) and why University College Utrecht is a great...
Studying Liberal Arts & Sciences in Holland

Studying in the UK with Emma Thomas, City University London

Studying in the UK with Emma Thomas, City University London About this interview Emma Thomas provides a really great overview of studying in the UK in this 30 minute interview. We drill into all the important aspects of putting really strong application together and...

Gaining Financial Aid & studying in Paris, Randy Venner, AUP

Gaining Financial Aid & studying in Paris, Randy Venner, AUP About this interview In this really insightful interview, Randy Venner from the American University of Paris take a look at the complex area of gaining financial aid for your studies.  In conversation...
The Advantages of Studying in Holland

The Advantages of Studying in Holland

 WIGSBURY INTERVIEWS The Advantages of Studying in Holland About this interview Anne Kuijs from Leiden University (formerly of Tilburg University) in The Netherlands,  drills into the many advantages for international students of studying in Holland. The interview...