The power of CAS

Grade 10 The power of CAS In this section you can: Find out about CAS from the experts. Think about the critical questions that need answers. Get answers to your frequently asked questions. Get our insider tips. The Expert View Find out why you should value CAS in...


Grade 12 Thinking about visas & visa applications In this section you can: Learn the best acceptance strategy from the experts. Think about the critical questions that need answers. Explore our country by county guide to the visa application process. Get answers...

Making the Final Choices

Grade 12 Getting those final choices right In this section you can: Learn the best strategy from the experts. Think about the critical questions that need answers. Explore our guide to all the things you should consider. Get answers to your frequently asked questions....

Writing Motivation Letters

Grade 11 Preparing your Motivation Letter… In this section you can: Learn about writing your Motivation Letter from the experts. Build a plan that you makes you stay on task. Explore the things you must include in your letter. Use our checklist to make sure you...

Preparing your Resume / CV

Grade 11 Preparing a fantastic Résumé/CV In this section you can: Learn about the best way to prepare applications from the experts. Think about the critical questions that need answers. Check out our layout suggestions. Get answers to your frequently asked questions....

Understanding internships

Grade 11 Exploring the power of internships In this section you can: Learn about the best way to prepare applications from the experts. Think about the critical questions that need answers. Explore the benefits of doing an internship Get answers to your frequently...