Introducing Sales

Introducing Sales

Sales teams make money for an organisation by selling its services or goods to either consumers  or other businesses. The revenue that a sales department brings in funds all business costs, from the rent of the premises to staff salaries, meetings with new and...
What is collegiate system?

What is collegiate system?

Yes, absolutely. So Oxford is a university. It’s a very big university. How Whether the university is made up of about 30 different colleges, and each student is part of the university, so every student is a part of the University of Oxford, and everybody will...
The formula for a good personal statement

The formula for a good personal statement

Yeah. But I think the biggest piece of advice that that kind of from, from my experience, and if that make sure it’s a personal statement, there’s no formula to a good personal statement, what the tutors want to see is that it’s they want to see...